蔡思聰先生,現任中潤證券有限公司副主席。蔡先生於證券業及商業管理方面擁有豐富經驗。蔡先生持有英國威爾斯大學(University of Wales, Newport)之工商管理碩士學位及澳州蒙納士大學(Monash University)之商業法律碩士學位。蔡先生亦為證券商協會永遠名譽會長及副主席,香港聯交所主板上市公司綠葉制藥集團有限公司(證券編號:02186)、招金礦業股份有限公司(證券編號:01818)、耀萊集團有限公司(證券編號:00970)及成都普天電纜股份有限公司(證券編號:01202)之獨立非執行董事,香港董事學會資深會員、英國財務會計師公會資深會員、澳洲公共會計師公會資深會員, 法則合規師協會資深會員、香港交易所現貨市場諮詢小組委員、香港調解聯盟證券小組主任、註冊財務策劃師協會會員、中國第十二屆全國人民代表大會香港代表選舉會議成員、第四屆香港行政長官選舉委員會委員、廣東省汕頭市政協委員、廣東省汕頭市海外聯誼會名譽會長、汕頭海外交流會名譽會長、香港中小企協會榮譽會長、陳葆心學校榮譽校長、香港潮屬社團總會會董、海外潮人企業家協會常務會董、香港潮人深水埗同鄉會聯席會長、香江聚賢執行委員、九龍西區扶輪社理事、香港國酒茅台之友協會會董、世界詠春聯會執行委員、香港詠春聯會執行委員、香港詠春聯會註冊教練、香港武術聯會註冊散打教練、詠春體育會註冊教練及香港海關武術學會名譽助教。
Mr Choy Sze Chung Jojo, is the vice chairman of National Resources Securities Limited and also the permanent honorable president and vice chairman of the Institute of Securities Dealers Ltd. Mr Choy has extensive experience in the securities industry and business management. Mr Choy also served as an independent non- executive director of several companies listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , including Luye Pharma Group Limited ( Stock Code : 02186 ), Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited ( Stock Code : 01818 ), Sparkle Roll Group Limited ( Stock Code : 00970 ) and Chengdu Putian Telecommunications Cable Company Limited ( Stock Code : 01202 ). Mr Choy has obtained his Master of Business Administration Degree from University of Wales, Newport and his Master of Business Law Degree from Monash University. Mr Choy is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, a fellow member of Institute of Financial Accountants, a fellow member of Institute of Public Accountants, a fellow member of the Institute of Compliance Officer, the Securities Panel Coordinator of Hong Kong Mediation Alliance, a member of HKEx Cash Market Consultative Panel and a member of Society of Registered Financial Planner Limited. Mr Choy is also a member of the Election Council for Hong Kong Deputies to the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, a member of the 4th term Chief Executive Election Committee of HKSAR, a member of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Shantou, the honorary president of Shantou Overseas Friendship Association, the honorary president of Shantou Overseas Exchange Association, the honorary chairman of Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association, the honorary principle of Chen Po Sum School, an associate president of Hong Kong Chaoren Shamshuipo Clans Association, an executive committee member of The Overseas Teo Chew Entrepreneurs Association, an executive committee member of Hong Kong Sage United, a committee member of Rotary Club Kowloon West, a committee member of World Wing Chun Union, a committee member of Hong Kong Wing Chun Union, a certified instructor of Hong Kong Wing Chun Union, a certified sanda instructor of Hong Kong Wushu Union, a certified instructor of Ving Tsun Athletic Association and an honorary assistant instructor of Hong Kong Customs Wushu Club.
蔡思聪先生,现任中润证券有限公司副主席。蔡先生于证券业及商业管理方面拥有丰富经验。蔡先生持有英国韦尔斯大学(University of Wales, Newport)之工商管理硕士学位及澳州蒙纳士大学(Monash University)之商业法律硕士学位。蔡先生亦为证券商协会永远名誉会长及副主席,香港联交所主板上市公司绿叶制药集团有限公司(证券编号:02186)、招金矿业股份有限公司(证券编号:01818)、耀莱集团有限公司(证券编号:00970)、及成都普天电缆股份有限公司(证券编号:01202)之独立非执行董事,香港董事学会资深会员、英国财务会计师公会资深会员、澳大利亚公共会计师公会资深会员,法则合规师协会资深会员、香港交易所现货市场咨询小组委员、香港调解联盟证券小组主任、注册财务策划师协会会员、中国第十二届全国人民代表大会香港代表选举会议成员、第四届香港行政长官选举委员会委员、广东省汕头市政协委员、广东省汕头市海外联谊会名誉会长、汕头海外交流会名誉会长、香港中小企协会荣誉会长、陈葆心学校荣誉校长、香港潮属社团总会会董、海外潮人企业家协会常务会董、香港潮人深水埗同乡会联席会长、香江聚贤执行委员、九龙西区扶轮社理事、香港国酒茅台之友协会会董、世界咏春联会执行委员、香港咏春联会执行委员、香港咏春联会注册教练、香港武术联会注册散打教练、咏春体育会注册教练及香港海关武术学会名誉助教。